How to Project a Mobile Screen on the Wall Without a Projector?

How to Project a Mobile Screen on the Wall Without a Projector?

How to Project a Mobile Screen on the Wall Without a Projector: The Ultimate Guide

Do you want to share your phone or tablet screen with a group of people but don’t have a projector? Not to worry! There are a variety of options for projecting a phone’s display on the wall without the use of a projector. We’ll go through several of the most effective strategies for achieving this in this post. We’ll also answer some common questions about projecting screens and provide some useful tips for getting the best results. Let’s get started!

Can we project a phone’s screen on a wall without a projector?

The answer is yes! There are a few different ways that you can do this, and we’re going to show you how.

One way is to use an adapter that connects your phone to a TV or monitor. This will allow you to mirror your screen onto the larger display.

Can we project a phone's screen on a wall without a projector?

Another way is to use a wireless HDMI kit. This will send the signal from your phone wirelessly to the HDMI-equipped device.

Lastly, you can use apps like AirPlay or Chromecast to cast your display onto a TV or monitor. [1]

Projecting Mobile Screen on The Wall Without Projector – Step-by-Step

If you want to project your phone’s display on the wall without using a projector, there are a few things you need to do. Begin by searching for a blank wall that can accommodate the size of your display. Then, set up your phone or tablet so that it is about four feet away from the wall. Turn off all of the lights in the room to ensure that the only illumination comes from your device. Finally, use a cable to connect your device to an HDMI port on your TV or another display. Once you have done all of this, you should be able to see your phone’s display projected on the wall!

Trace the Magnifying Lens on the Box around

The first step is to find a magnifying lens. It is important that the lens is big enough to cover the entire screen of your phone or tablet. Once you have found a suitable lens, trace its outline onto the top of the box. Next, use a sharp knife to cut out the traced shape.

Cut the Traced Edges Off the Box

After you have cut out the traced shape, you will need to cut off the excess cardboard around the edges. This will ensure that the lens is able to fit snugly onto the top of the box.

Cut the Traced Edges Off the Box

After you have cut off the excess cardboard, use a piece of tape to secure the lens in place. Make sure that the lens is centered on the hole and that there are no gaps around its edges.

Place the Magnifying Lens into the Hole

Now, it is time to insert the magnifying lens into the hole. First, take off the protective film from the lens. Next, place the lens into the hole and push it until it is flush with the top of the box. Finally, use a strip of tape to seal the lens in place.

Use Black Tape to Cover the Edges

If you want to show your phone’s display on the wall without using a projector, use black tape to cover the phone’s edges. This will help to create a border around the image and make it appear more like a traditional movie screen. You can also use black duct tape or even paint the edges of the screen black.

Another option is to buy a special phone case that has a built-in projector. These cases are available for both iPhone and Android devices. They typically attach to the back of your phone and have an adjustable lens that lets you focus the image on any surface, including walls.

Cover the Inside of the Box with Black Paper

Make sure the inside of your box is covered in black paper if you’re projecting with it. This will help to absorb any light that reflects off of the sides of the box and create a more evenly-lit image. You can also use black fabric or even paint the inside of the box black.

Once you’ve covered the edges and interior of your makeshift projector, it’s time to focus on the most important part: your phone.

Place Your Phone at the End of the Box

When you’re ready to project your mobile display, place your phone at the end of the box opposite the lens. This is where the light will shine through and create the image on the wall. You may need to experiment with different positions to get the best focus and clarity.

You might adjust the lens on a case with an adjustable lens by holding your phone up to the wall and moving it until the picture is clear.

Place Your Phone at the End of the Box

After you’ve placed your phone, it’s time to switch off all of the lights in the room and enjoy your film! If you find that the image is too dim, you can try shining a flashlight on the wall behind your phone. This will help to brighten up the image.

Project Images on the Wall from Phone without a Projector

To do this, simply hold your phone up to the wall and press the button to project the image. The image will appear on the wall in front of you. You can move your phone around to adjust the size and position of the image.

If you want to project a video, you can do so by playing the video on your phone and then holding it up to the wall. The video will play on the wall in front of you. You can pause and resume the video by pausing and playing the video on your phone.

You can also use this method to project images from other sources, such as a computer or tablet. Simply connect your device to your phone using a cable and then hold your phone up to the wall. The image will appear on the wall in front of you.

This is a great way to project images onto the wall without a projector. It is quick and easy to set up and you can adjust the size and position of the image to suit your needs. This method is also great for projecting videos onto the wall. Simply play the video on your phone and then hold it up to the wall. [2]

Tips and Tricks

If you’re looking for tips on how to project a mobile screen on the wall without a projector, you’ve come to the right place. In this ultimate guide, we’ll answer all your questions and give you some useful tips.

First things first, let’s take a look at what you need in order to get started. You’ll need a phone or tablet with an HDMI output, an HDMI cable, and a TV or monitor with an HDMI input. If your TV or monitor doesn’t have an HDMI input, don’t worry – there are still ways to make it work (we’ll get to that later).

Tips and Tricks

Once you have everything set up, it’s time to start projecting. The first thing you need to do is open the app that you want to share on your phone or tablet. For this example, we’ll be using the YouTube app.

Next, press the “Share” button. A menu will pop up with different sharing options. Tap on “Cast Screen/Audio.”

Make sure your TV or monitor is on and connected to the same Wi-Fi network as your phone or tablet; if you don’t see the “Cast Screen/Audio” option, make sure it’s switched on and linked to the same Wi-Fi connection.

Once you tap on “Cast Screen/Audio,” a new menu will appear with a list of available devices. Select your TV or monitor from the list and wait a few seconds for the connection to be made.

You should now see your mobile screen being projected onto the wall. To stop casting, simply press the “Disconnect” button in the bottom right corner of the screen.

It’s incredibly easy to project your phone’s display onto the wall without a projector. Just follow these simple steps and you’ll be up and running in no time.

You may now use your new abilities to make one of these exciting projects with one of these fun ideas:

  • Share a funny YouTube video with your friends
  • Show off your latest vacation photos
  • Play a game of charades
  • Watch a movie or TV show together
  • Make a presentation for work or school

The sky’s the limit! Just remember to have fun and be creative. Thanks for reading and happy projecting!

Benefits from Projecting Your Mobile Screen on the Wall

Now that you know how to project your mobile screen onto the wall, let’s take a look at some of the benefits of doing this.

Benefits from Projecting Your Mobile Screen on the Wall


There are many benefits of projecting your phone’s display onto the wall. One benefit is that it allows you to share content from your phone with other people in the room. For example, if you’re watching a movie on your phone, you can project it onto the wall so that everyone in the room can watch it together.

Another benefit is that it makes it easier to see what’s on your screen. This is especially helpful if you have a small phone or if you’re trying to view content on your phone in a dimly lit room.

Finally, this can be a great way to create a makeshift home theater system. If you connect your phone to a projector and speaker system, you can use it to play movies, TV shows, and music from your phone. This is an affordable way to create a home theater system without having to buy separate components like a Blu-ray player or streaming box.

Projecting your phone’s display onto the wall is a great way to share content with other people, to see your phone’s screen more easily. With so many benefits, it’s no wonder that more and more people are choosing to project their mobile screens onto the wall. Try it for yourself and see how you like it!


How can I project my phone screen on the wall?

The best way to project your phone screen on the wall is to use a projector. Projectors are devices that create an image by shining a light onto a surface. There are many different types of projectors, but they all have one thing in common: they allow you to display an image from your phone onto a larger surface, like a wall.

If you don’t have a projector, there are other ways to display your phone’s screen on the wall. You can use a TV or monitor with an HDMI input, or you can connect your phone to a computer and use software to mirror your screen.

You can also buy special adapters that allow you to connect your phone directly to a TV or monitor without using any cables. These adapters use wireless technologies like Bluetooth or Wi-Fi to connect to your TV or monitor and display your phone’s screen.

Finally, if you have a smart TV, you may be able to connect your phone to it using the TV’s built-in app. This will allow you to mirror your phone’s screen on the TV without any additional cables or adapters.

How do I project my computer screen to the wall without a projector?

It’s actually pretty simple. All you need is a piece of black construction paper, some clear tape, and a light source.

First, cut a hole in the center of the black construction paper. The size of the hole will depend on how big you want your projected image to be.

Next, tape the construction paper to the wall. Make sure the hole is lined up with the light source.

Now, turn off all the lights in the room except for the light source you’re using (a lamp, for example).

Finally, stand in front of the hole and hold your mobile device up to it. The image from your device will be projected onto the wall! Pretty cool, right?

Why is my homemade projector blurry?

There are a few possible reasons why your homemade projector might be blurry. One reason could be that the lens of your phone is not clean. Another possibility is that the surface you’re projecting onto is not flat or smooth, which can cause the image to appear distorted. Finally, it’s also possible that your phone’s display itself is blurry. If this is the case, you may need to adjust the focus setting on your phone or use a different phone altogether.

If you’re still having trouble getting a clear image, there are a few other things you can try. One option is to use a magnifying glass between your phone and the surface you’re projecting onto. This will help to focus the light and should result in a clearer image. Another option is to use a piece of cardboard or other flat, opaque object to block out any light that isn’t coming directly from your phone’s display. This will help to reduce any glare or reflections that might be causing the image to appear blurry. [3]

Hopefully, one of these solutions will help you get a clear and sharp image from your homemade projector. If not, you may need to consider investing in a real projector!

Does a DIY Projector Really Work?

You might be wondering if it’s really possible to project your mobile screen onto the wall without an expensive projector.

The answer is yes! With a few simple supplies, you can create a DIY projector that will work just as well as an expensive one.

Here’s what you’ll need:

  • A piece of cardboard
  • A pen or pencil
  • A sharp knife
  • Tape
  • A magnifying glass

With these supplies, you can create a projector that will allow you to watch movies, play games, or even give presentations from your mobile device. [4]

Here’s how to do it:

First, cut a rectangular hole in the center of the piece of cardboard. The size of the hole should be slightly larger than the lens of the magnifying glass.

Next, tape the magnifying glass to the front of the cardboard so that the lens is centered over the hole.

Finally, place your mobile device behind the magnifying glass and point it at a blank wall. You may need to experiment with different distances between your device and the magnifying glass to get a clear image.

And that’s it!

Useful Video: Phone Projection on Your Wall iOS/Android (Full Tutorial)


The process of projecting a mobile screen onto a wall without a projector is not difficult, but it does require some specific materials and knowledge. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you will be able to successfully project your mobile screen onto any wall in no time. We hope that you found this article helpful and that you now feel more confident in your ability to do this yourself. Thanks for reading and good luck!

